New?... "Art Music".... (texts)

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Alfred Schnittke - Requiem (1/3)
Alfred Schnittke - Requiem (2/3)
Schnittke - Requiem (3/3)
Alfred Schnittke: Clowns und Kinder (1976)
Alfred Schnittke: Concerto Grosso n.1 (1976/1977)
Alfred Schnittke: Der Aufstieg (1976)
Alfred Schnittke: Der Walzer (1969)
Alfred Schnittke: Die Glasharmonika (1968) 3/3
Schnittke- Nagasaki (1/3)
Schnittke- Nagasaki (2/3)
Schnittke- Nagasaki (3/3)
André Boucourechliev : Archipel II pour Quatuor à cordes [1/3]
André Boucourechliev : Archipel II pour Quatuor à cordes [2/3]
André Boucourechliev: Ulysse (1980)
Arvo Pärt - Tabula Rasa, I
Arvo Pärt - Tabula Rasa, II
Arvo Pärt - Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten - Datenverarbeiter Video
Arvo Pärt - Silentium
Arvo Part - De Profundis
Brian Ferneyhough ~ On Stellar Magnitudes
Brian Ferneyhough, Amphibolies II (Noon) extract of SHADOWTIME (2004).
Ferneyhough- Coloratura
Cathy Berberian - Stripsody da Blonde Again!.mp4
Cathy Berberian | 'Music is the Air I Breathe' | part one
Cathy Berberian | Stripsody
Cathy Berberian | Ticket to ride | The Beatles
Cathy Berberian Yesterday
Salies Strypsody
STRIPSODY par Frédérique Bruyas
Charles Ives: Universe Symphony {1/4}
Charles Ives: Universe Symphony {2/4}
Charles Ives: Universe Symphony {3/4}
Charles Ives: Universe Symphony {4/4}
Jani Christou - Mysterion
Christou- Patterns and Permutations
Jani Christou-Strychnine Lady
Jani Christou - Persians
Karolos Koun - Jani Christou- Perses - Vakhes
Davis- Bleeding Particles (1/2)
Davis- Bleeding Particles (2/2)
Donatoni: "Lumen"
Franco Donatoni - Alamari (1983)
Edgar Varése: Poème électronique (1958)
Edgard Varese - The one all alone
Edgard Varèse - Deserts [Pierre Boulez 1976]
Edgard Varèse, Ionisation
Varese: "Hyperprism"
Eller - The Bells
Heino Eller- Dawn
Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1 ( Orchestra )
Debussy - Erik Satie Gymnopedie No 3
Erik Satie : VEXATIONS (1893) [Extrait]
Erik Satie - Musique D'Ameublement. (家具の音楽) 1920.
Erik Satie: Cinema
Erik Satie: Relâche (Complete ballet) (1924)
Erik Satie - Le Tango prepétual (Scrolling Score)
Erik Satie/René Clair: Entr'Acte (1924)
Erik Satie - Danses Gothiques
Satie - Trois Morceaux en forme de poire (Piano 4 mains)
Satie et la Belle Excentrique extrait de 3 minutes
VISION - E. Satie Trois Morceaux en forme de poire - DuoKeira & Valerio Carosi
Georges Aperghis - Récitations pour voix seule
Georges Aperghis ~ Faux-mouvement
Les Guetteurs De Sons - Georges Aperghis - part 1 of 3
Georges Aperghis at NO99 theatre
Georges Aperghis ~ La nuit en tete
Georges Aperghis I Heiner Müller: Paysage sous surveillance
Aperghis- Seesaw
George Aperghis; Quatorze Jactations 1, 2, & 3; Ricardo Rivera, Baritone
Henry Cowell: Tiger (1928)
Henry Cowell: Advertisement (1914 rev.1959)
Henry Cowell: Aeolian Harp (1923)
Henry Cowell: Aimable conversation (1917)
Henry Cowell: Anger Dance (1914)
Henry Cowell: Dynamic motion, per pianoforte (1916)
Henry Cowell: Elegie, per pianoforte (1941)
Henry Cowell: Sinister Resonance, per pianoforte (1930)
Henry Cowell: Domnu, the Mother of Waters, per pianoforte (1926)
Henry Cowell: The Snows of Fujiyama (1924)
Henry Cowell: The Harp of life (1924)
Henry Cowell: Antinomy (1914)
Henry Cowell: Homage to Iran (1963)
Henry Cowell: Banshee (1925)
Henry Cowell: Symphony No.11 "Seven Rituals of Music" (1954)
Henry Cowell: Thesis (Symphony No.15) (1961)
Henry Cowell: Pulse, for five players (1939)
Henry Cowell: Ostinato pianissimo (1934)
Henry Cowell: Polyphonica (1928)
Henry Cowell: Heroic Dance (1931)
Henry Cowell: Suite for small Orchestra (1934)
Henry Cowell: Suite for woodwind quintet (1934)
Henry Cowell: Ongaku (1957)
Henry Cowell ~ Six Ings
Henry Cowell: Time Table (1914/1915)
Henry Cowell: Hymn and Fuguing Tune No.3 (1944)
Henry Cowell: Quartet romantic (1915-1917) 1/2
Henry Cowell: 26 simultaneous mosaic, take 4 (1963)
Henry Cowell: Quartet for flute, oboe cello and harp (1962)
Igor Stravinsky - Tango for Piano
John Cage Documentary 1
John Cage Documentary 2
John Cage Documentary 3
John Cage Documentary 4
John Cage: Six Melodies (1950)
John Cage ~ Music for the film "Works by Calder" ~ II/II
John Cage: Fontana Mix (1958)
John Cage: Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1950/1951)
Dream (1948) by John Cage
Water Walk - John Cage
John Cage: Variations I (1958)
John Cage: First Construction (1939)
John Cage - Litany for the Whale (1980)
John Cage: Variations II (1961)
John Cage: Daughters of the Lonesome Isle (1945)
John Cage about silence
John Cage: The Seasons, Ballet in one Act (piano version) (1947)
John Cage: "Mushroom Haiku" and "At the Middle"
John Cage playing amplified cacti and plant materials with a feather
John Cage - Sonata II For Prepared Piano
John Cage - 4'33" (BBC)
Suite for Toy Piano - John Cage
Tim Ovens plays John Cage · Sonata IV for Prepared Piano
John Cage ~ But what about the noise...?
Variations V John Cage Merce Cunningham excerpts
Chance Conversations: An Interview with Merce Cunningham and John Cage
john Cage Sixty-two Mesostics Re Merce Cunningham (1971)
John Cage, Empty Words (Parte III) Extract...
Marcel Duchamp and John Cage
Fear Cage
Cage: "Sixteen Dances" 1/6
Cage: "Indeterminacy", Part One
Cage: "Indeterminacy", Part Two
Cage: "Indeterminacy", Part Three
Cage: "Indeterminacy", Part Four
Cage- Ryoanji
Kaija Saariaho 'Laconisme de l'aile' for solo flute
Kaija Saariaho ~ Nymphéa
Kaija Saariaho ~ Adjö
Kaija Saariaho - Jardin Secret i 1984-85
Kaija Saariaho on Composing Using a Computer in the Past
Saariaho- Cendres
Saariaho: "Du cristal" 1/2
Saariaho: "Du cristal" 2/2
Saariaho- Lichtbogen
La Monte Young: Drift Study (1969)
La Monte Young: The Well-Tuned Piano (1964/1973/1981/Present...) 1/5
La Monte Young ~ The Well-Tuned Piano ~ 1/5
La Monte Young - B flat Dorian Blues 19X63 (5th day of hammer)
La Monte Young - The tortoise, his dreams and journeys
György Ligeti: Lux Aeterna
György Ligeti - Poème Symphonique For 100 Metronomes
György Ligeti, Poème Symphonique for 100 metronomes, II
Atmospheres-Gyorgy Ligeti
György Ligeti ~ Chromatische Phantasie
György Ligeti - Musica Ricercata [1/11]
Ligeti - Artikulation
Ligeti Atmospheres
Lou Harrison: Canticle No.1 (1939)
Lou Harrison: Concerto for organ with percussion orchestra (1973) Mov.1 e 2
Lou Harrison - Concerto for Pipa with String Orchestra
Lou Harrison ~ Three Pieces for Gamelan With Soloists
Sequenza III (1966) - Luciano Berio
Luciano Berio: Visage (1961)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza X, per tromba e risonanze di pianoforte (1984)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza IXb, per sassofono contralto (1981)
Luciano Berio: Rendering (1989)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza XI, per chitarra (1988)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza VII, per oboe (1969)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza XII, per fagotto (1995)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza I, per flauto (1958)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza IX, per clarinetto (1980)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza VI, per viola (1967)
Luciano Berio: Sequenza IV, per pianoforte (1966)
Luciano Berio: Formazioni (1986)
Luciano Berio: Omaggio a Joyce (1958)
Luciano Berio: Air (1970)
Luciano Berio/ Bruno Maderna: Ritratto di Città (1954) Terza parte
Luciano Berio: Sequenza II, per arpa (1963)
Luciano Berio: Concertino (1951)
Luciano Berio: Perspectives (1957)
Narciso Dead
Berio - Sinfonia 3rd movement
Luigi Nono - La fabbrica illuminata
Luigi Nono: La Lontananza Nostalgica Utopica Futura (1988-1989)
Luigi Nono: Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima (1980) Prima parte
Luigi Nono, Ha venido - canciones para Silvia für Sopran solo und sechsstimmigen Sopranchor
Luigi Nono: Ricorda cosa ti hanno fatto in Auschwitz (1966)
Aragonesa, Manuel de Falla
Montañesa, Manuel de Falla
Manuel de Falla - Nights in the Gardens of Spain PART 2 of 2 - GONZALO SORIANO
Manuel de Falla - Nights in the Gardens of Spain PART 1 of 2 - GONZALO SORIANO
De Falla- El Amor Brujo- A Medianoche- Los Sortilegios
Noches en los jardines de España | Parte 1
Noches en los jardines de España | Parte 2
Noches en los jardines de España | Parte 3
Ravel, La Valse, Argerich & Freire
Maurice Ravel Bolero Kent Nagano RNO 20th Anniversary Jubilee Concert
Mauricio Kagel: String Quartet No 3 [1/4]
Mauricio Kagel: String Quartet No 3 [2/4]
Mauricio Kagel: String Quartet No 3 [3/4]
Mauricio Kagel: String Quartet No 3 [4/4]
Dressur by Mauricio Kagel - PART I
Dressur by Mauricio Kagel PART II
Dressur by Mauricio Kagel PART III
Dressur by Mauricio Kagel PART IV
#309 Mauricio Kagel - Sankt-Bach-Passion - #1 Vivace
Mauricio Kagel - Ludwig Van - 1969 - part 2
Mauricio Kagel: Two-Man Orchestra
Mauricio Kagel: Music for renaissance instruments (1965/1966)
Mauricio Kagel ~ Die Stücke der Windrose
Mauricio Kagel: Acustica (1968-1970)
Mauricio Kagel ~ Der Schall
Travelling - Meredith Monk
Meredith Monk - Urban March (Light)
Meredith Monk- "Last song"
Meredith Monk with Robert Een - Boat Song (Recent Ruins)
Meredith Monk/Astronaut Anthem
Meredith Monk - Dolmen Music (complete)
Meredith Monk - Madwoman's Vision
Gotham Lullaby Meredith Monk
An Interview with Meredith Monk
Meredith Monk: Songs of Ascension (Ann Hamilton's Tower, Oct 2008)
Milton Babbitt: Composition for Synthesizer (1961)
Milton Babbitt: Ensembles for Synthesizer (1964)
Milton Babbitt : Arie da Capo [1/2]
Milton Babbitt : Arie da Capo [2/2]
Milton Babbitt: Emblems (Ars Emblematica) {1/2}
Milton Babbitt: Emblems (Ars Emblematica) {2/2}
Milton Babbitt: Quatrains
Milton Babbitt: About Time
Milton Babbitt: Composition for Four Instruments [with score]
Milton Babbitt: Philomel [1/2]
Milton Babbitt: Philomel [2/2]
Milton Babbitt, Composition for 12 instruments, ensemble conducted by Ralph Shapey
Babbitt: "On Being An American Composer" (1)
Babbitt: "Composition for Guitar"
Babbitt: "Vision and Prayer"
Babbitt: Concerti for Orchestra (2004) [Part 1/2]
Babbitt: Concerti for Orchestra (2004) [Part 2/2]
Messiaen - Oiseaux Exotiques - Aimard, Boulez Part 1
Messiaen - Oiseaux Exotiques - Aimard, Boulez Part 2
Olivier Messiaen - Le Merle noire (The Blackbird), for flute and piano (1952)
Olivier Messiaen: Oraison (1937)
Olivier Messiaen - Visions de l'Amen I
Olivier Messiaen ~ Les Offrandes Oubliées ~ 2/2
philip glass: glassworks
Philip Glass - Mad Rush
Concerto Fantasy for Two Timpanists & Orchestra (pt. 1)
Concerto Fantasy for Two Timpanists & Orchestra (pt. 2)
Concerto Fantasy for Two Timpanists & Orchestra (pt. 3)
Le Marteau Sans Maître - Boulez - Callithumpian Consort - FULL VIDEO
Pierre Boulez - La Symphonie Mechanique (1955)
Scelsi- Ko-tha
Scelsi: "Elohim"
Piano Phase (solo) - First solo performance ever
steve reich - Come Out (1966)
Tehillim Illuminated
Takemitsu - Litany
TAKEMITSU - Requiem for Strings.
The Face of Another (1966) - Hiroshi Teshigahara - 1. Waltz - Tōru Takemitsu
Toru Takemitsu - Vocalism Ai (Love)
Tōru Takemitsu: Rain Tree (1981)
Tōru Takemitsu ~ Waves
Tōru Takemitsu ~ Eclipse ~ Part 1
Tōru Takemitsu ~ Eclipse ~ Part 2
Tōru Takemitsu: Air (1995)
Tōru Takemitsu ~ Echo II
Tōru Takemitsu: And then I knew t'was wind (1992)
Terry Riley - A Rainbow in Curved Air
Terry Riley: Poppy Nogood (1969)
Terry Riley ~ Lands End
John Cale & Terry Riley - Church of Anthrax (1971)
In C By Terry Riley - A 'rock' orchestration by The Styrenes - Part 1
In C by Terry Riley - original recording - Part 2
Terry Riley - Eastern Man
The Last Camel in Paris / Terry Riley
Toshio Hosokawa: Landscape I (1992)
Toshio Hosokawa: Nocturne (1982)
Toshio Hosokawa: Landscape II (1992)
Toshio Hosokawa: Landscape V (1993)
Toshio Hosokawa ~ Ans Meer
Toshio Hosokawa: Ave Maria
Iannis Xenakis - Electronic Music - Diamorphoses
Iannis Xenakis (1 of 2) Filmed Interview in English with German subtitles
Iannis Xenakis filmed Interview (2 of 2) in English with German subtitles
Xenakis - Pléïades -Peaux Part 1/2
Xenakis - Pléïades -Peaux Part 2/2
Xenakis - Psappha
Iannis Xenakis Interview (1 of 3)
Iannis Xenakis Interview (2 of 3)
Iannis Xenakis Interview (3 of 3)
Xenakis- Erikhton (1/2)
Xenakis- Erikhton (2/2)
Iannis Xenakis- Mists (1/2)
Xenakis- La Legende d'Eer (1/5)
Yuji Takahashi_Herma(Iannis Xenakis)
Yuji Takahashi (synthesizer) - Contrapunctus XV (1975)
Takahashi- Yubi Tomyo (2/2)
Zagaykevich- Sans l'Eloignement de la Terre
Zagaykevich- Air MechanicsVideo to Website by v2.1m
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Alvin Lucier - Clocker (audio excerpt)
Alvin Lucier - I Am Sitting In A Room
Alvin Lucier - Music On A Long Thin Wire
Alvin Lucier ~ Navigations for Strings
Alvin Lucier: Music on a long thin wire (1980)
Bernard Parmegiani - "Entre Temps" (1990 - 1992)
Bernard Parmegiani: Pop Eclectic (1968)
Bernard Parmegiani: Dance (1962)
Bruno Maderna: Continuo (1958)
Bruno Maderna: Notturno (1956)
Bruno Maderna: Serenata III (1961)
Bülent Arel: Stereo electronic music No.1 (1961)
Daphne Oram - 2001 Effects Tape 1
Daphne Oram - Contrasts Essconic
Daphne Oram - Dr. Faustus Suite
Daphne Oram - Four Aspects
Daphne Oram - Lego Builds It
Daphne Oram - Snow
Daphne Oram "The Same Trade As Mozart" BBC2 - 3/8/69
Daphne Oram documentary - Wee Have Also Sound-Houses
Daphne Oram's Private Dreams And Public Nightmares Remixed
Daria Semegen. Electronic composition No 1 (excerpt)
David Behrman - On the Other Ocean (excerpt)
David Behrman - Runthrough
David Behrman - The Siren Orchestra "The Element of Sound"
David Behrman: Wave Train (1966)
David Tudor - Pulsers
David Tudor-Rainforest Version 1 (1968)
David Tudor: Rainforest IV (full)
Delia Derbyshire - "Falling", from The Dreams (1964)
Delia Derbyshire - Dance from 'Noah'
Delia Derbyshire / The Delian Mode
Delia Derbyshire - Love Without Sound
Delia Derbyshire - Sea
Delia Derbyshire - Sculptress of Sound documentary 1/7
Delia Derbyshire - Time Capsule
Delia Derbyshire — BBC Inside Out feature
Delia Derbyshire in White Noise
Delia Derbyshire/Air
Sculptress of Sound 2/7
Sculptress of Sound 3/7
NigDelia Derbyshire-Nightwalker
Dhomont- Lettre de Sarajevo
Donald Erb ~ Spatial Fanfare
Donald Erb ~ The Seventh Trumpet
Donald Erb: Autumnmusic (1973)
Donald Erb: In no strange Land (1968)
Donald Erb: Reconnaissance (1967)
Edison Denisov: Bird's Singing (1969)
Else Marie Pade - Etude I (1962) danish retro electronic
Else Marie Pade - fordømmelse (1962)
Ferrari- Cellule 75 (1/3)
Ferrari- Cellule 75 (2/3)
Ferrari- Cellule 75 (3/3)
Ferrari, Luc - Hétérozygote - 1963-64 (2/2)
Ferrari: "A la recherche du rythme perdu"
Francis Dhomont - Cycle du son Mov. 2 "AvatArsSon" (1998)
Francis Dhomont - Espace / Escape (Metaphores 11) part 1/2
Francis Dhomont - Je te salue, vieil océan! (1998,2000)
FRANCIS DHOMONT Citadelle interieure
Scherzo (Giocoso) - Francis Dhomont
3 minutes of Francis Dhomont
From Mozart to Boulez (Henri Pousseur)
Henri Pousseur ~ Trois chants sacrees
Henri Pousseur: Caractères (1961)
Henri Pousseur: Huit Etudes paraboliques, II. Liebesduett (1972)
Henri Pousseur: Mnemosyne 2 (1968/1969)
Henri Pousseur: Phonèmes pour Cathy (1967)
Henri Pousseur: Rimes pour différentes sources sonores (1958)
Henri Pousseur: Séismogrammes I - II (1954)
Herbert Eimert: Epitaph für Aikichi Kuboyama (1960-1962) 1/3
Herbert Eimert: Epitaph für Aikichi Kuboyama (1960-1962) 2/3
Herbert Eimert: Epitaph für Aikichi Kuboyama (1960-1962) 3/3
Herbert Eimert: Klangstudie II (1952)
Hiller- Portfolio (1/2)
Hiller- Portfolio (2/2)
İlhan Mimaroğlu ~ Music Plus One
Ilhan Mimaroglu/Prelude for magnetic tape No.12
İlhan Mimaroğlu: Agony (1965)
İlhan Mimaroğlu: To Kill a Sunrise (1974)
John Chowning - sabelithe
John Chowning - Stria (1977)
intervista a Karlheinz Stockhausen 2007
Karlheinz Stockhausen / Cosmic Pulses (2007)
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Luzifers Abschied
Karlheinz Stockhausen "Helicopter String Quartet"
Karlheinz Stockhausen ~ Amour
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Intuitive Music
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Kontra-Punkte (1953)
KONTAKTE (Stockhausen)
Mantra - Stockhausen - Callithumpian Consort - FULL VIDEO
Stockhausen - Freude (Joy) - for two harps
Stockhausen -- Hymnen
Stockhausen "Studie II" (Elektronische Musik)
Stockhausen : "Elektronische Musik Studie I"
Stockhausen interview
Stockhausen Klavierstucken I, II, III and IV
Stockhausen on 'sounds', 1972
Stockhausen on Human evolution - 1972
Stockhausen über Neue Musik - Teil 1
Stockhausen- Mixtur 2003
Stockhausen- Momente (1/2)
Stockhausen- Momente (2/2)
Stockhausen- Schlagtrio part 1
Stockhausen- Schlagtrio part 2
Stockhausen: "Gesang der Junglinge"
Stockhausen: "Gesang der Junglinge" Conclusion
Stockhausen: "Mikrophonie I"
Stockhausen: "Kontakte" electronic version (complete)
Stockhausen: "Zyklus"
Ypsilon (Stockhausen)
Karlheinz Stockhausen "Mikrophonie I & II " 1967
Stockhausen: Mantra (Part I)
Stockhausen: Mantra (Part II)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Mixtur (1964)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Gruppen (1957)/ Carewe/ Harding/ Rattle
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Sirius - Side 1
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Sirius - Side 2
Tuning In: Karlheinz Stockhausen (1981)
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Opus 1970
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Tierkreis für Orchester
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Erwachen
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Stimmung (1968)
Rehearsal with STOCKHAUSEN (in HD) - Vanessa Benelli Mosell, piano
Karlheinz Stockhausen: "Gruppen" für 3 Orchester - Cresc... Biennale für Moderne Musik
Stockhausen: "Prozession" 1/3
Stockhausen: "Prozession" 2/3
Stockhausen: "Prozession" 3/3
Karlheinz Stockhausen ~ Dr. K Sextet
Stockhausen- Oberlippentanz
Stockhausen: "Octophony" 1/5
Stockhausen: "Octophony" 2/5
Stockhausen: "Octophony" 3/5
Stockhausen: "Octophony" 4/5
Stockhausen: "Octophony" 5/5
Stockhausen: "Spiral" 1/2
Stockhausen: "Spiral" 2/2
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Pole (1/2)
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Pole (2/2)
Laurie Spiegel plays Alles synth - temporary replacement
Part 1: Laurie Spiegel Bell Labs Interview 1984
Part 2: Laurie Spiegel Bell Labs Interview 1984
Laurie Spiegel - Old Wave
Laurie Spiegel
M.E.V.: Spacecraft (1967)
Morton Subotnick: Silver apples of the Moon (1967)
Otto Luening - Fugue with Electronic Doubles for Organ and Tape
Otto Luening - Moonflight (1968).avi
Otto Luening & Vladimir Ussachevsky - Incantations
Otto Luening # Fantasy In Space
Otto Luening: Low Speed (1952)
Otto Luening: Synthesis, for orchestra and electronic sound (1960)
Pauline Oliveros: Bye bye butterfly (1967)
"Vocalises", from Pierre Henry's "Le Microphone Bien Tempéré" (1950-51)
Pierre Henry - Apocalypse de Jean - Les ames crient.avi
Pierre Henry - Sacrifice
Pierre Henry - Le voile d'Orphée I
Pierre Henry "Spatiodynamisme" 1954
Pierre Henry : Danse Electromatic
Pierre Henry & Michel Colombier - Psyche Rock (1967)
Pierre Henry Eroíca
Pierre Henry-Teen Tonic
Pierre Henry: Penetration
psyche rock (Full Version)
pierre schaeffer - "etude aux chemins de fer"
Pierre Schaeffer - Apostrophe
Pierre Schaeffer - Cadence
Pierre Schaeffer - Diapason Concertino
Pierre Schaeffer - Eroïca
Pierre Schaeffer Étude aux sons animés tape music
Pierre Schaeffer - Etude Noire
Pierre Schaeffer - Intermezzo
Pierre Schaeffer - Peu Banal (Impromptu) (1978)
Pierre Schaeffer - Prosopopeé II
Pierre Schaeffer - Scherzo
PIERRE SCHAEFFER OUIJA BOARD concrete music musica concreta Musique concrète by jemus
Schaeffer's Cinq Études de bruits
Solfège de l'objet sonore (Schaeffer 1967) CD 1 Tracks 1-11
Richard Maxfield - Sine Music (A Swarm Of Butterfiles Encountered Over The Ocean).wmv
Richard Maxfield: Sine music (1959)
Robert Ashley - Celestial Excursions (excerpts) (2003)
Robert Ashley
Robert Ashley "Purposeful Lady Slow Afternoon" 1972
Robert Ashley: Automatic writing (1979)
Roland Kayn: Cybernetics III (1969/1977)
Vladimir Ussachevsky's "Wireless Fantasy"
Vladimir Ussachevsky: Piece for tape recorder (1956)Video to Website by v2.1m
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Adrian Belew Electronic Guitar Instructional Video, lesson
Adrian Belew performs Drive (guitar solo) - Pt 1/3
Adrian Belew: History & Future of Guitar Noise- Pt 2/3
Adrian Belew performs untitled song (guitar solo) - Pt 3/3
Holger Czukay - Jah Wobble - Jaki Liebezeit : Full circle (rps no.7)
CZUKAY WOBBLE LIEBEZEIT mystery (r.p.s. n°8) 1982
Holger Czukay - La Luna (An Electronic Night Ceremony)
Holger Czukay - Ode To Perfume.(Full Length Version)
Holger Czukay "Witches' Multiplication Table"
Holger Czukay - Cool in the Pool (PV / 1979)
Holger Czukay - Persian Love (Movies)
Holger Czukay "Live Germany 97" Part 1
Holger Czukay "Photo Song"
Jah Wobble, Jaki Liebezeit, Holger Czukay - How Much Are They? / Where's the Money?
Holger Czukay "Blessed Easter"
Holger Czukay - Der Osten Ist Rot (the east is red)
The Can (from "Krautrock: The Rebirth of Germany" Documentary)
CAN - Vitamin C
Can - Vitamin C
Can - Dizzy Dizzy (1977)
Can - future days
David Sylvian + Holger Czukay -- Premonition .
David Sylvian & Holger Czukay - Flux and Mutability- ep 1989
David Sylvian - The Greatest Living Englishman
Robert Fripp - Frippertronics Demonstration '79
Robert Fripp Documentary
Robert Fripp's Guitar Craft - Careful With That Axe - Part 4
Fred Frith - Minimalism
Fred Frith - No Birds (1974)
Fred Frith - The Bow Moon
Evelyn Glennie - Fred Frith, A Little Prayer
Bob Ostertag (with John Zorn and Fred Frith) - Power (da "Attention Span", 1990)
Bob Ostertag: On Orgies and the Recording Industry
Living Cinema: Bob Ostertag and Pierre Hébert
Bob Ostertag - The Surgeon General (1977)
Bob Ostertag lectures at Studio LOOS #1
Bob Ostertag lectures at Studio LOOS #2
Bob Ostertag lectures at Studio LOOS #3
Bob Ostertag lectures at Studio LOOS #4
Bob Ostertag lectures at Studio LOOS #5
Bob Ostertag lectures at Studio LOOS #6
Sequence from Bob Ostertag Documentary
Special Forces
Endangered Species
Sequence from Bob Ostertag Documentary
Einstürzende Neubauten - Yu-Gung (12")
Einstürzende Neubauten - Alles
Einstürzende Neubauten Autobahn
Einstürzende Neubauten - Insomnia
Einstürzende Neubauten - Ende Neu
Einsturzende Neubauten -Stella Maris
Einstürzende Neubauten The Garden
Einstürzende Neubauten Sabrina
Blixa Bargeld - Mein Leben - Part1
Blixa Bargeld - Mein Leben - Part 2
Blixa Bargeld - Mein Leben - Part 3
Blixa Bargeld - Mein Leben - Part 4
Einstürzende Neubauten Sehnsucht
Einsturzende Neubauten - Headcleaner
Einstürzende Neubauten Blume (japanese)
Einstürzende Neubauten - Silence Is Sexy
Einsturzende Neubauten - Newtons Gravitatlichkeit
Cabaret Voltaire - Nag Nag Nag
Cabaret Voltaire: 'Do The Mussolini (Headkick)'
Amon Tobin latest interview about ISAM
Amon Tobin - Foley Room part 1
Amon Tobin - Foley Room part 2
Amon Tobin - Foley Room part 3
Aphex Twin - Nannou
Aphex Twin - On [480p]
Aphex Twin - Polynomial C
Autechre - 90101-51-1 (Quaristice) - VVVV real-time video
autechre - rale
basscadet remix
Autechre, Basscadet
Autechre - Clipper
Autechre - Dropp
Autechre - Foil
Autechre - Gantz Graf - HD 720p version
Autechre - Liccflii
Autechre - Second Bad Vibel(Chris Cunningham)
Autechre - Second Scepe (hq)
Streetlights (Autechre - Eutow)
Autechre - Stud
björk - all is full of love
Bjork - Hidden Place Official Video
Bjork - Cocoon HD
Unravel - Björk [HD]
björk - venus as a boy
björk - big time sensuality
Boards of Canada - Music Is Math
Boards of Canada - Pete Standing Alone
boards of canada "in a beautiful place out in the country"
Boards of Canada - Everything You Do is a Balloon
Brian Eno - Ikebukuro (The Shutov Assembly)
Brian Eno & David Byrne - Home
Brian Eno & Jan Peter Schwalm - 05 Night Traffic
Brian Eno Imaginary Landscapes.
Brian Eno on Apollo: This is for all Mankind
brian eno talks about youtube and television
One on One - Brian Eno
Harold Budd & Brian Eno - Madrigals of the Rose Angel: Rosetti Stone, The crystal garden and a coda
Brian Eno interview circa 1982
Brian Eno - By This River
Brian Eno: The Dick Flash interview
Brian Eno Profile And Interview - Oct 2011
Brian Eno - Interview/Lecture
Camille - Allez Allez Allez (acoustique)
Camille - My man is married but not to me @ Salon Musical de Saint-Eustache
Camille - live à Ce Soir Ou Jamais, France 3, 18/10/11
Camille - Ilo Veyou (acoustique)
Camille - L'étourderie (acoustique)
Camille - L'étourderie (live à Saint-Eustache)
Camille - La France (Later with Jools Holland)
Camille - Money Note
Camille - Ta douleur (Live in Paris)
Camille - Tout dit (acoustique)
Camille - Waves
CAMILLE "Mars Is No Fun" (Later live - with Jools Holland. 25th Oct 2011)
Camille She Was
Dance on vaseline - David Byrne Sessions at West 54th Street 10131998.avi
David Byrne - Sessions At West 54th (November 15, 1997)
David Byrne & Morcheeba - Dance On Vaseline (Live)
David Byrne and the Balanescu Quartet - Model
Talking Heads Stop making sense [1984][HD]
The Flying Lizards Video - Get Up (Sex Machine - 6 Machine)
At Home with Frank Zappa 1989 Pt 1 of 3
At Home with Frank Zappa 1989 Pt 2 of 3
Frank Zappa - The Black Page (rare synclavier version)
Pierre Boulez on Frank Zappa
Frank Zappa - Andy Warhol's TV, Interview, 1983
Zappa's Epic Response
Frank Zappa - On Drugs 1971
Frank Zappa on Larry King Live (FULL)
Frank Zappa talks about The Music of Pierre Boulez
Frank Zappa- Bobby Brown *Official Video*
Front 242 - Welcome To Paradise (Live) HD_HQ
Harold Budd - The Gunfighter
Harold Budd - The Real Dream of Sails
John Cale & Terry Riley - Church of Anthrax (1971)
John Cale - Catastrofuk
Dying on the vine - John Cale
Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash Hurt
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down
Johnny Cash - Solitary Man
Johnny Cash - The first time ever I saw your face
Johnny Cash-The Last Great American / Documentary on BBC 2004
John Zorn - WTF? Yes, it is music!
John Zorn ~ Taxi Driver
John Zorn - Shaolin Bossa
John Zorn - Suicide Waltz
John Zorn - Besos de sangre (Piano Trio)
John Zorn - The Rain Horse
John Zorn - 777 (nothing is true, everything is permitted)
Interview with John Zorn & Pam Tanowitz
John Zorn - Between Two Worlds
John Zorn - Electric Masada Live
John Zorn - The Golden Boat
John Zorn Bill Laswell Laurie Anderson KODY 2010
John Zorn documentary part 1
John Zorn documentary part 2
John Zorn programme on the BBC. Part 1
John Zorn's Music Interpreted - New works by Donald Byrd and Pam Tanowitz
Zorn: "Goetia" Mvt. VI-VIII
Kraftwerk documentary part 1
Kraftwerk documentary part 2
Kraftwerk documentary part 3
Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution
Kraftwerk Live
Balanescu quartet - (Kraftwerk) Robots
Kraftwerk Interview Ralf Hütter BBC2 England 20090708 18:59 Culture Show
J iii "Laurie Anderson" "SmokeRings" 1986
Language is a Virus From Outer Space - Laurie Anderson (United States Live)
Laurie Anderson - "National Anthem"
Laurie Anderson - About Creativity - 2002
Laurie Anderson - Bodies In Motion
Laurie Anderson - Delusion 2010 inteview
Laurie Anderson - Drum Dance _ Smoke Rings.avi
Laurie Anderson - Home studio (late 80's) - 02
Laurie Anderson - interview Swedish TV 2007
Laurie Anderson - Military Spending
Laurie Anderson - Sharkey's Day
Laurie Anderson - The Beginning Of Memory
LAURIE ANDERSON - Whistle Test (BBC 2), 17th June 1986
Laurie Anderson & Antony Hegarty - Strange Perfumes
Laurie Anderson & Lou Reed - Lost Art of Conversation live
Laurie Anderson and her Creation (Part 1)
laurie anderson Ask question
Laurie Anderson live at the Guggenheim - March 12, 2009
Laurie Anderson Recalls the End of the World
Laurie Anderson Reflects on 9/11 (2001)
Laurie Anderson, Lou Reed et/and John Zorn (2010-07-02) Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier
Laurie Anderson,1995, Budapest
O Superman - Laurie Anderson - as displayed in the MOMA, New York
Moderat - 6.Minuten.Terrine
5. Moderat - A New Error - 2009
Apparat - 'Steinholz' - Experimental Video 1
That Cat's Something I Can't Explain
Syd Barrett Interview Part 1
Syd Barrett Interview Part 2
Syd Barrett - Dominoes
P I N K F L O Y Y D - Astro nomy Dominee / Fla ming
Pink Floyd - Fearless
Pink Floyd - Careful With That Axe Eugene
Pink Floyd - Echoes / Live at Pompeii ( full )
Time - Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon
The Residents - Third Reich
the Residents Featuring Molly Harvey on Vocals - Its a Man's World (James Brown Cover)
The Residents - Act Of Being Polite
The Residents - Amber
The Residents - Benny the Bouncing Bump (Live)
The Residents - Birds In The Trees
The Residents. Burning Love.
The Residents "Bury Me Not" Live in Hollywood 1/30/10
The Residents - Cube E - Jambalaya
The Residents - Die in Terror
The Residents - Easter Woman
The Residents- Edweena
The Residents Elvis Presley's Teddy Bear
The Residents - For the Benefit of Mr. Kite
The Residents - Hop A Little (Live)
The Residents - In the Beginning & God's Business
The Residents - Love Leaks Out
The Residents - Medicine Man
The Residents - Micky Macaroni
The Residents - Mr Misery
The Residents on Night Music - From The Plains To Mexico
The Residents - Teddy Bear (Live on Night Music 1990)
The Residents- Eloise
The Residents - Smack Your Lips (clap your teeth)
The Residents - Kaw-Liga
The Residents - "Burn Baby Burn" (Live) MVDvisual
The Residents - This is a man's man's man's world (live)
Luciano Pavarotti and James Brown - It's a Man's World
Acid house from 1958 ... Tom dissevelt & Kid Baltan ( Dick Raaijmakers ) syncopation
Kid Baltan and Tom Dissevelt 1959
Tom Dissevelt - Drifting
Tom Dissevelt - Intersection (1960)
Tom Dissevelt - Moon Maid
Tom Dissevelt - Orbit Aurora (1968)
Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan - Song of the Second Moon [Milan - massive apollo remix]
Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan - The Ray Makers
Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan - The Visitor form Inner Space
Tom Dissevelt and Kid Baltan- Song To The Second MoonVideo to Website by v2.1m
About New?... "Art Music"....
What is this ?...
[ audio & visuals from an interesting sound world ]
Videos from contemporary music, electronic music documentaries, musique concrète, electroacoustic music, acousmatic music, computer music, art experimental pop & an introduction about Fundamentals..! such as: Brief History of 20th Century Music
"The material of music is sound, as that of painting is light, and yet most of our music makes use of very narrowly defined selections from the enormous range of sounds we can hear..."
"...Only the physiological sensitivity of the listener's ear, and the artistic sensitivity of the composer's, prescribe limits to the possible..."
Paul Griffiths - Extracts from the introduction of his book "A Guide to Electronic Music"
...“We have also sound-houses, where we practise and demonstrate all sounds, and their generation. We have harmonies which you have not, of quarter-sounds, and lesser slides 21 of sounds"...
Extracts from New Atlantis a utopian novel by Sir Francis Bacon, published in Latin (as Nova Atlantis) in 1624 and in English in 1627.
...“Music stands in a much closer connection with pure sensation than any of the other arts...
...Poetry aims most distinetly of all at merely exciting the formation of images, by addressing itself especialy to imagination and memory...
...The plastic arts, although they make use of the sensation of sight, address the eye almost in the same way as poetry addresses the ear. Their main purpose is to excite in us the image of an external object of determinate form and colour...
...In music, the sensations of tone are the material of the art
Hermann Helmholtz - Extracts from the introduction of his book "ON THE SENSATION OF TONE" - As a physiological basis for the theory of music
Futurista Musica Composers - Contemporary music composers :
Alfred Schnittke
André Boucourechliev
Arvo Pärt
Brian Ferneyhough
Cathy Berberian
Charles Ives
Jani Christou
Edgard Varèse
Erik Satie
Georges Aperghis
Henry Cowell
Igor Stravinsky
John Cage
Kaija Saariaho
La Monte Young
Lou Harrison
Luciano Berio
Luigi Nono
Manuel de Falla
Maurice Ravel
Mauricio Kagel
Meredith Monk
Milton Babbitt
Olivier Messiaen
Philip Glass
Pierre Boulez
Steve Reich
Terry Riley
Toshio Hosokawa
Iannis Xenakis
Yuji Takahashi
Electroacoustic music (Acousmatic ?) Composers:
Alvin Lucier
Bernard Parmegiani
Bruno Maderna
Bülent Arel
Daphne Oram
Daria Semegen
David Behrman
David Tudor
Delia Derbyshire
Donald Erb
Edison Denisov
Else Marie Pade
Ferrari, Luc
Francis Dhomont
Henri Pousseur
Herbert Eimert
Ilhan Mimaroglu
John Chowning
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Laurie Spiegel
Morton Subotnick
Otto Luening
Pauline Oliveros
Pierre Henry
Pierre Schaeffer
Richard Maxfield
Robert Ashley
Roland Kayn
Vladimir Ussachevsky
Art & Experimental Pop :
Adrian Belew
Holger Czukay
David Sylvian
Robert Fripp
Fred Frith
Bob Ostertag
Einstürzende Neubauten
Cabaret Voltaire
Aphex Twin
Boards of Canada
Brian Eno
David Byrne
Flying Lizards
Frank Zappa
Front 242
Harold Budd
John Cale
Johnny Cash
John Zorn
Laurie Anderson
Syd Barret
Pink Floyd
The Residents
James Brown
Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan
Electronic Music Documentaries :
The Origins of Electronic Music
1950 early electronic synthesizer/
'This is music with a strictly electronic beat'
Alchemists Of Sound
The New Sound Of Music 1979 (Part 1-4)
Electric Music Machine - Part 1-5
Max Mathews & John Chowning
Daniel Teruggi/ The novelty of concrete music.
Inventor of the Synthesizer Documentary ~ Moog/ A Film by Hans Fjellestad
Discovering Electronic Music Part 1-3
Computer Music (Synthesizers, Synclavier) 1986 Pt. 1-3
Early BBC radiophonics/ Private Dreams and Public Nightmares (1957)
WDR Electronic Music Studio (1-5)
The Evolution of Music Technology Pt. 1-2
The Future of Musical Instruments
Pioneers of Electronic Music part1
Detroit Techno - The Creation of Techno Music (HighTechSoul)
Experimental Electronic Music
Ableton Live/ granular synthesis
Ambient Pure Data Composition
Granular Synthesis in Max-MSP 5
Pure Data Neuronic Orchestra
Puredata - Beat melody by Cielak
The iPad As a Musical Instrument
The samchillian - a musical instrument based on relativity.

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