Services (multimedia & recording studio) ----------------------------------------------- [ Ελληνικά - (gr) ]
- Sound Recordings
- On Location Recordings
- Audio Editing Mixing
- Mastering
- Post Production
- Live Performances
- Special rehearsals installations
- Sound Design
- Sound & Music Synthesis
- Music supervising
- Audio & Music Programming
- Media Managment
- Studies-Applications production management
- Music Technology training
- Multimedia Works
- Video Editing
- Video Synthesis
- Multi Media Managment
- Media Authoring Programming
- Live Performances
- Multimedia Technology training

The orientation of activities for the creative use of the studio with the aid of technology
and its implementation of knowledge gained up to that point had a double purpose:
1st - The capability to perform good quality production for recording, mixing and
design of sound, music and multimedia materials for different applications such as for
performances, the music industry, multi-media, sound installations, for their
own works or in collaboration with third parties.
2nd - The capability to achieve synthesis and sound processing of high quality,
so that with a continuous evolvement of activities, new ways
of creative process are established.
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